Thursday, November 18, 2010

Decision Day

This morning, I woke up nervous. As I sat up in bed, practically shaking with overactive anxiety, I realized I knew. I would find out today.

I got up, and went straight for my phone, something told me I had an important email.

I looked, and sure enough there was one from Northwestern entitled, " Decision". I read the short paragraph instructing me to follow a link where I could view the decision. Anxiously, I waited for my phone to load the page, where I had to sign in.

Once signed in, it instructed me to follow yet another link to the decision page. (they were really dragging out this suspense weren't they?!)

Where, I discovered this letter:

November 18, 2010
Andrea Finken
1625 West Morse
Chicago, Illinois 60626

Dear Andrea:

Congratulations on your admission to Northwestern University School of Continuing Studies' Literature -
Degree program for Winter 2011. We are pleased you have chosen to earn your degree at SCS and are
delighted to welcome you to the program.

Your official decision letter with detailed admission information and next steps has already been mailed to you
at the address indicated on your application. In the meantime, click here to indicate your acceptance or
declination of our offer of admission.Please direct question about your offer of admission to an admissions coordinator at

Congratulations on your achievement and welcome to Northwestern University.

Joel Shapiro, PhD
Associate Dean of Academics

WOO HOO! I just got accepted to Northwestern University!


  1. Andrea,

    This is great news! I am so proud of you and can't wait to follow your studies.


  2. Thanks Laura! I am really excited, this is something I have wanted to do for a LONG time.


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